Monthly links from the blogosphere: September

Bonjour Tristesse's coverage of 2013 Venice International Film Festival

Courtney Anticipating Toronto International Film Fest 2013

Shala Thomas, Alex Ramon and Ryan McNeil were in Toronto

Alex Withrow's Top 20 Road Movies, and Top 10 Directors Who Released Two Great Films in One Year

Steven's Auteurs piece on Woody Allen's recent films

Dan Heaton's Women in 2013 Marathon: Miss Representation, and Desert Island Films guest post

Michaël Parent's Recommended Readings: The Best Film You’ve Never Seen by Robert K. Elder

Pete Turner's Short Story Published at Starburst Magazine: Living for the Weekend

Harrison Ford angrily points at stuff

Channing Tatum's 45-Second Handshake

Bradley Cooper's EMOTIONAL Moment.

Robert De Niro cries on Katie Couric Talk Show

SDG on City Lights or How Chaplin made me Cry!

Keith on Unknown Movies You Wish Others Would See

Ylvis - The Fox has been called by some people "the next Gangnam Style". Probably the most annoying viral song of 2013. What do you think?

Jessica loved the documentary Stories We Tell (2012)

Thomas4cinema's Best films of the last two years

Sati reviews The Hunt (2012), and Mud (2012)

Eric reviews All the President’s Men [1976]

Shane at filmactually enjoyed The Purple Rose Of Cairo (1985)

Cristi B and Andina reviewed The Bling Ring (2013)

Chip's List of Changes Made to the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, 2013 Edition

Josh's First Favorite Films of Each Year

Nostra continues 5 Obstructions blogathon

Dan on Top 10 Films To Have Driven People To Murder. Also check Top 10 Real-Life Crimes Inspired by Movies and TV

Steph loved Stoker (2013)

Jaina finally watched some decent horror movies

Ruth and 3guys1movie reviewed Warm Bodies (2013)

Keith joined letterboxd

Lisa Thatcher and I had a little e-mail discussion about boycotting artists. Here's an entertaining thread I stumbled upon of unpopular opinions.

Chris' DEBUTS BLOGATHON WRAP UP. If you enjoyed that, check out's 50 Best First Films Ever Made

Facts That Will Make You Want To Travel


  1. Thank you for two links! :) Love your monthly links posts, so much good stuff here.

    1. @Sati: Thanks for the reviews, and happy you like the link collection :)

  2. Thank you for the link, Chris :) Hope you're having a great month

    1. @Andina: You’re welcome! I have a cold right now, hopefully I’ll get over it soon. Hope you are well

  3. Another excellent compilation of links. Great work. And thanks for the two links!

    1. @Alex Withrow: Thank you! Awesome work on those articles you wrote

  4. Thanks for the linkage, and for getting the word out about the newest 1,001 Movies edition.

    1. @Chip Lary: Happy to spread the word! Thanks for detailing the changes in the 1001 book.

  5. Many thanks for the link love, Chris! Lots of movies still to anticipate for Fall, yay!

    1. @Ruth: No problem! Yes, I might even do a post of anticipated Autumn releases, thanks for reminding me :)

  6. Thanks for the link love. No more Woody Allen films for me. Hopefully, I can finish and release my next Auteurs piece on Jane Campion a week from Friday but the full post will be on Cinema Axis.

    1. @thevoid99: You’re welcome! That's great you are now guest posting at Cinema Axis. Nice to get your writing out to a wider audience.

  7. Great list and thank you for including my review in it.

    1. @Cristi B: No problem! Hopefully send some traffic your way :)

  8. As always, terrific post. Thanks so much for the link! :) I'll have part 2 up probably next week.

    1. @Josh: Nice of you to say so! I’ll be reading part 2

  9. Thanks for sharing Chris! Living for the Weekend has been getting some serious hits for some reason so thanks for the support!

    1. @Pete Turner: No problem! That's good news about the stats. Enjoyed your short story, hope you keep writing them

  10. Thanks Chris. Is it me or are your roundup posts getting longer and longer? Nice work.

    Also, Reddit can be very amusing... sometimes.

    1. @Bonjour Tristesse: You're welcome! I guess these posts are a bit on the long side, I feel bad about leaving out blogs. If I link someone for several month in a row, and then just stop, it feels wrong...
      Hardly ever go on Reddit, in the case of that link I had fun with it.

  11. Great round-up, Chris! I always look forward to these posts; you do such an amazing job. And thank you for the link.

  12. @Steph: You're too kind! Thanks for saying so.

  13. Thanks for the shoutout! Count me in as someone who could go without ever hearing "The Fox" again.

    1. Eric @ The Warning Sign: No problem, thanks for the review.

      I know, right? :) "The Fox" is more of a curiosity type thing for me.


What do you think about the post? I look forward to hearing from you. Rest assured I will reply soon.


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