A couple of bloggers, Jaina at Time Well Spent, and Ruth at Flixchatter kindly passed the Sunshine Award over to me. A nice gesture during summer.
Here are the rules:
1.) Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog.
2.) Link to the person who nominated you.
3.) Answer 10 questions about yourself (use these or come up with your own).
4.) Nominate 10 bloggers.
5.) Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
1.) Favorite actor/actress (who's not a household name yet)?
Juno Temple. I thought she held her own with other seasoned actors in Killer Joe (2011). I could see her becoming a household name in the next few years, maybe not in the same league as Carey Mulligan and Jennifer Lawrence, but probably a star that audiences recognize. She’s in her mid 20s now, so I see her getting a lot of roles.
Brit Marling is another I'm a fan of, although I think the roles she picks are mostly smaller indie films, I don’t see her becoming a big mainstream star. The same could probably be said for talented Felicity Jones, who features predominantly in smaller films.
2.) Favorite Animal?
Our family has nearly always had a dog, so I’ll have to say that. Not really familiar with other pets.
3.) Favourite Non-Alcoholic Drink?
Cherry Cola. Granted, Cherry Sprite tastes almost the same, the ingredients I suppose, but whatever.
4.) Favorite music?
In my early 20s I had phases when Fiona Apple, Garbage, Leonard Cohen, and Air were my favorites. The last year or two I’ve been listening quite a bit to The Cure, Fleetwood Mac and Neil Young.
5.) Favorite TV-show?
Fawlty Towers (1975–1979)
An oldie, but a goodie. Some of the dialogue I almost know off by heart.
6.) Favorite sport
I would say golf. I have played a bit in my 20s. Enjoy watching on TV, relaxing to listen to music at the same time, with the commentary muted.
7.) Movie most people love that I dislike
The Avengers (2012). It has a few jokes I liked, but I found it vastly overrated. Maybe there are too many superhero movies these days.
8.) Favorite short film?
Wasp (2003)
Won Oscar for Best Short Film, Live Action. Never forgot it. From the director of Fish Tank (2009)
9.) My Passion.
At the moment, probably my blog.
10.) Favorite soundtrack from 2013?
Also my favorite film seen in cinema in 2013. I love the hauntedness of The Place Beyond The Pines. Unfortunately two of my favorites, Che (from the trailer), and Bruce Springsteen’s Dancing In The Dark (from a scene in the movie), were not included on soundtrack.
I prefer the 10 min youtube version of Mike Patton's Snow Angel.
A couple of favorites on the album are Fratres for Strings and Percussion - Arvo Part and, Ninna Nanna Per Adulteri by Ennio Morricone.
I'm passing the Sunshine Award to these great blogs. If I've linked to you below, you're next. Winners, remember it is strictly voluntary, so feel free to ignore this. I have picked blogs that I don't believe have been gifted the award so far.
Bonjour Tristesse
Steven from Surrender To The Void
Shala from Life Between Films
Mette at Lime Reviews and Strawberry Confessions
Dan at Public Transportation Snob
Lisa Thatcher
Chip Lary from Tips from Chip
Steve Honeywell at 1001plus
Keith - from Obscurendure
Dusty at Playground of Doom
The Avengers did felt overrated. Glad I watched it first before I heard too many rave about it. Some blockbuster movies ended up not in my best of the year.
ReplyDeleteI forgot about Springsteen track in Dancing in the Dark, did not realized it either.
@Andina: The Avengers is not bad, I mean, it probably satisfied the key audience. Just think I'm burnt out on superhero blockbusters. Prefer to watch something else :)
DeleteSpringsteen's Dancing in the Dark was used during scene with the dancing dog.
Thanks for the award! Things are a bit hectic right now, so I can't promise to get to it soon, but I appreciate it. Good picks on the lesser-known actors. Brit Marling was stunning in Sound of My Voice and has a very bright future ahead.
ReplyDelete@Dan Heaton: You're welcome! No worries, there's no deadline on putting you own awards post up.
DeleteWill be interesting to see what Brit Marling does next, she did venture into mainstream in Arbitrage (2012). Haven't seen her latest indie The East (2013).
I completely agree with #6. The Avengers is completely overrated. I gave it a 3/5 and I felt I was being generous.
ReplyDeleteI remember Felicity Jones from her work in "Like Crazy" and I thought she deserved bigger parts coming her way. She was wonderful in that film.
Very interesting that you mention "Wasp" as I stumbled upon it the other day and considered giving it a watch. Maybe now I will.
@niels85: Felicity Jones did a good job in "Like Crazy", I agree. We'll see what happens with her career path.
DeleteWasp is a must-see, especially if you are a fan of Fish Tank (2009)
Oh, I love Fawlty Towers! Such a hilarious, timeless show. I really hope Juno Temple keeps getting good roles, she is fantastic.
ReplyDelete@Sati: Fawlty Towns is great fun :) Juno Temple reminds me of Emma Watson, not in appearance, but in the ability to do an American accent convincingly. I didn’t even know Temple was British when I saw Killer Joe.
DeleteEmma Watson would be another actress I like, who has a promising future.
Oh thank you. I'm honored.
ReplyDelete@thevoid99: You’re welcome! Hope you want to join in, and write a post. When you have the time, that is.
DeleteThank you, Chris!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you don't like The Avengers, I though it was fun. I mean, I didn't love it to death but I enjoyed it, especially watching it in a jam-packed theater.
Also thanks for mentioning that short film Wasp, I love Fish Tank so I'll check it out. My favorite shorts are L'homme qui plantait des arbres and La jetée. Which, incidentally, are both French.
@Mette: No problem! I guess The Avengers just wasn’t for me, since I didn't care for Iron Man movies either. I know La Jetée, I’ll look up the other short film you mention. Be cool if you want to participate and do the awards post, when time allows.
DeleteThis is a great honor, Chris. Thank you. I have my ten nominees that I would like to pass the award onto picked out. Let me give some thoughts to my answers. Hope to have this up this weekend or early next week.
ReplyDeleteAlways a pleasure,
@Dusty: You’re welcome. I shall keep my eye out for your award post then. Look forward to reading the answers.
DeleteThanks Chris!
ReplyDeleteI won't make a post, but I will answer your 10 questions here.
1.) Favorite actor/actress (who's not a household name yet)?
There are several I can think of, but in my opinion Matthias Schoenaerts is the most likely to become a household name soon.
2.) Favorite Animal?
The Snowy Owl. Beautiful and majestic.
3.) Favourite Non-Alcoholic Drink?
Coffee. Black. Can't start the day without it.
4.) Favorite music?
Almost everything, but there are a few I always go back to: Wilco, Camera Obscura, The New Pornographers, Electrelane.
5.) Favorite TV-show?
Of all time: The Wire
Current: Game of Thrones
6.) Favorite sport
To watch: Ice Hockey, F1
To play: Snowboarding, Bowling
7.) Movie most people love that I dislike
Gone with the Wind.
8.) Favorite short film?
I'm much more into features, so I don't have/can't remember many favorite shorts. I'll have to agree with Mette and say La Jetée.
9.) My Passion.
Aside from the obvious. Motorcycling. Guitar playing.
10.) Favorite soundtrack from 2013?
Haven't seen/heard very many 2013 films. My nod so far goes to Cliff Martinez' Only God Forgives.
@bonjourtristesse: Well thanks for taking the time to answer the questions. Good to get to know a bit more about you. I never took you for being the motorcycling, guitar playing, and snowboarding type :)
DeleteAgree about Matthias Schoenaerts, after Rust & Bone, that must have caught the attention of the film industry, I can see he has a bunch of projects lined up on IMDB, anyway.
The Wire, I've only seen season 1, which I loved, addictive and suspenseful. I was late to the show. My favorite scenes are when those youths sit out in the yard and talk. D'Angelo Barksdale is my fav character. Does a good job of blending both relatable and despicable characters within the police department and among the drug dealers.
I was thinking of blogging about Camera Obscura’s albums in future. Since you are knowledgeable about the band, maybe I can convince you to do guest post on a specific album by them? Or top 10 tracks from their career? If so, let me know.
You're welcome! I guess some of those things are surprising. I'm the sort who's not really comfortable standing up and telling the world everything about myself, and I doubt I ever will be. That's why you'll never learn any of those things from reading my reviews. That said, I don't have any problem with sharing details when asked.
DeleteInteresting, I hadn't looked before, but I see that one of Schoenaerts' future projects is him reprising his original role in an American remake of the Belgian film, The Loft (2008), also by the original director.
I love that scene when D'Angelo explains how to play Chess to the youngsters. We'll talk more about it after you've seen the rest.
Would be happy to write up a guest post on Camera Obscura. If you recall, I did offer to do a music post a few months back, I didn't forget, I just could never come up with the right theme. Now I've found it.
@bonjourtristesse: I haven’t seen that Belgian film The Loft, not surprised that you have though, considering what you usually review (:
DeleteYeah, that chess scene in The Wire is remarkable.
I remember you offered to do it, ok then, look forward to the guest post!
Congrats on the award! Good call on Temple and Marling. Both of them have impressed as of late. Have you seen Magic Magic? Just watched that last night, and it has probably the best performance I have seen from Temple. Solid movie, too.
ReplyDelete@Eric @ The Warning Sign: Thanks! I haven’t heard of Magic Magic, I could imagine Temple’s performance was solid. Judging from the trailer, Afternoon Delight (2013) looks like it could be worth a watch, which she also stars in.
DeleteGreat post! Juno Temple is an excellent choice. I've only seen her in a few roles, but she is always memorable. Glad you're a fan of Fawlty Towers, too! The Hubby and I can quote a surprising amount of the dialogue.
ReplyDelete@Quirky BookandFilmBuff: Thank you, it was fun to write! Juno Temple is talented, not to mention easy on the eye too. Fawlty Towers is very quotable, and fun to watch with the family.
DeleteHello Chris!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you do the Sunshine post, yay!
Not familiar w/ Juno Temple much yet, but I thought Brit Marling was great in Another Earth. You've seen Like Crazy right? Felicity Jones was terrific in that.
I should check out Fawlty Towers! That's the one w/ John Cleese right? I quite like British humor!
As for soundtrack, I haven't heard that soundtrack from Ennio Morricone, though generally I love his work, esp. Cinema Paradiso.
@Ruth: Thanks for letting me take part!
DeleteBrit Marling was indeed very good in Another Earth. Yep, seen Like Crazy, and yep Felicity Jones was terrific in that
John Cleese is the main character in Fawlty Towers, in arguably his signature role. If you like British humor, I think you'd find it amusing.
The Place Beyond The Pines soundtrack has only one track by Ennio Morricone. The majority of the score is by Mike Patton.
Congrats on the award! I like Temple, Marling and Jones as well. I'm sure I'd love Fawlty Towers, but I've only seen the first few minutes of the pilot. I need to watch that!
ReplyDelete@Josh: Thank you! Let me know what you think of Fawlty Towers, if you watch it, I don't know if the British humor translates to an American audience, you could give it a try, anyway.