The Liebster Award

Two bloggers were kind enough to recently pass on to me the Liebster award, SJ Honeywell at 1001plus, and Sati from Cinematic Corner

Here are the rules:

1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the 11 questions the person giving the award has set for you.
3. Create 11 questions for the people you will be giving the award to.
4. Choose 11 people to award and send them a link to your post.
5. Go to their page and tell them.

11 things about me:

1.) I have a bachelor degree and went to library school, I'm glad I did, because opened my eyes to lit. Today I don't have a job because I'm very introverted and have an energy problem(that explains why I don't blog every day, and only go on twitter occasionally.)

2.) I'd like to write a novel, and have been researching for a while. I don't really want to go into it in detail, because if others start getting involved I feel it is no longer my project. In fact, I may decide to take a long hiatus from blogging soon to focus on that.

3.) People I meet either think I'm smart or stupid. The truth is I'm neither and somewhere in between.

4.) My parents are very important to me. Maybe I never grew up? ( :

5.) I have a mild case of tinnitus, but have gotten used to it. Helps to stay away from chocolate, coffee and tea, which are known to make it worse.

6.) Probably, my favorite movie is 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), even though I haven't seen it in a theatre (yet)

7.) I don't like the bright sunshine, I find it draining.

8.) I am surprised to have found so many friendly people from The Lamb community who want to communicate. Joining has exceeded my expectation levels.

9.) My home library is full of books that I haven't read yet. Doesn't stop me from adding more to my collection...There are not enough hours in the day for a curious-minded The image below is NOT from my home.

10.) I didn't wash the windows outdoors for 10 years, and was incredibly ashamed for so long. I finally did it in 2012, and they weren't even dirty, beause rain had cleaned them...

11.) I eat baked beans on toast most days, because I've heard the protein can help keep your energy levels up. (since I don't drink coffee). The sugar in the can, however, is not so good, so I eat it sparingly.

I have been asked to answer 11 questions by Sati:

1. What is your favorite movie scene?
Al Pacino’s speech in Scent of A Woman (1992). It’s about friendship, integrity, redemption, and who you are at the core, not standing for bullshit, being yourself, and one man making a difference

2. Your favorite performance?
Swedish actor Per Oscarsson in Hunger (1966). He won best actor at Cannes Film Festival that year. Just displays such a range of emotions, stunning work. Haunting, underappreciated gem.

3. Movie character that is most similar to you?
Good question! Maybe Charlotte from Lost in Translation (2003) Her introspection, daydreaming, boredom with shallowness, sense of humour, curiosity, honesty, wanting to connect and be understood. I wonder what Charlotte is doing with her life now…

4. Favorite movie quote?
“You'll figure that out. The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.”

5. What is one movie where you would change actual director/actor/actress for someone else?
James Cameron should have directed Terminator 3 and 4. Actors? I don’t like Daniel Craig, he has no personality as Bond, always the same facial expression. Also, when British actors use American accents, I find it tiresome. Primary Colors (1998) and The Cider House Rules (1999) are not in my good books for that reason.

6. What is the first film you saw?
The Wizard of Oz (1939)

7. Would you change any character's fate? If so, whose and for what?
The UK documentary Dreams of a life (2011) is my favorite film so far of 2012, and I would change what happens to the main character.

8. Your favorite track from movie soundtrack?
This year, I’m loving Blade Runner Blues, by Vangelis. From the Blade Runner soundtrack. Beautiful, and I don't get tired of that disc.

9. What book would you like to see adapted for screen?
Catcher in the Rye, perhaps? JD Salinger refused them, now that he’s dead, there is a small chance.

10. Favorite guilty pleasure movie?
Uncle Buck (1989) The characters just make me smile, I think it’s John Candy funniest movie. I also like the message. Sometimes I feel like the 'Uncle Buck' of my family...

11. Favorite trailer?
The Tree Of Life – goosebumps every time.

SJ Honeywell came up with these questions and here are my responses:

1. At a movie theater, what snacks do you buy? Or do you sneak them in? If money were no object, what would be your movie theater snack of choice?
I never buy snacks, period, due to the price

2. What's the first movie that really scared you?
The Wizard of Oz (1939). Ohhh the evil witch with the green makeup. As a 5-year-old kid, I thought she was a witch for real ! Also those monkeys to a lesser extent...

3. The television show/book/graphic novel/other thing I would really love to see adapted to film is : Night Train To Lisbon. In fact currently filming with Jeremy Irons has me excited!

4. If you like horror movies, why do you like them? If not, why not?
I don't call myself a horror movie buff. That said, I was pleasantly surprised this year to delve into the work of director Dario Argento, and in fact enjoyed his style of filmmaking. Appreciate how in his best films he can marry a suspenseful crime story with visual creativity

5. If you could be any movie character, who would you be, and why?
I wouldn't want to be anyone else. Perhaps Owen Wilson at the end of Midnight in Paris ?

6. Why did you start blogging? What keeps you going?
To meet like-minded cinephiles and music enthusiasts. I think habit keeps me going.

7. What movie would you most like to see again for the first time with no prior knowledge?
Fight Club (1999)

8. If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say?
Kind and respectful towards other people. Had a positive impact on those I met.

9. What is the best or most useful class in school you have ever taken?
That's a tough one. I went to school for years, but most of what I'm good at is self-taught

10. Describe your favorite article of clothing.
Jacket. Similar to what Mel Gibson wore in Lethal Weapon 4. I wear it all year round. That reminds me...I should give it a wash soon ( :

11. If there was one household chore I could get away with never doing again, it would be
Washing the dishes

11 Winners
I'm passing this award to these great blogs. If I've linked to you below, you're next. Winners, remember it is strictly voluntary, so feel free to ignore this.I have picked blogs that I don't believe have been gifted the award so far. If they have, well, no harm, no foul...

Shala from Life Between Films
Eric from The Warning Sign
Pete from I Love That Film (a nice surprise for when he returns from honeymoon)
Keith - from Obscurendure
Alex from Boycotting Trends
Julian from DWC
"The Kid" - from Kid In The Front Row Film Blog
Niels85 from The Blog Of Big Ideas
Mette from Lime Reviews (currently on vacation)
Michael Troutman from I Shoot The Pictures
Kev from Burning Reels (one of my favorite film/music blogs, doesn't post very often)

My 11 questions for the 11 winners:

1.) When and how did you become interested in movies?
2.) Who is your favorite director, and why?
3.) What is your favorite movie discovered in 2012 (old or new), and why?
4.) If you had to recommend any movie you think everyone should watch, what would it be, and why?
5.) Have you been to a film festival, and how was the experience?
6.) Which soundtrack or score do you keep going back to?
7.) What films do you find yourself daydreaming about every so often?
8.) Who do you talk movies with in real life, outside of blogosphere ?
9.) Favorite film poster?
10.) What movie is the record holder that you have seen the most times, and why?
11.) Which movie websites (not blogs) do you visit?

Have fun!


  1. Great responses. Blogging with like-minded people is a wonderful thing and I think it has done the same thing for me too. Keep up the excellent work Chris

    1. @Gregory Roy: Blogging with like-minded people, I think many bloggers do it for that reason. I guess there is a web community for almost any interest.

  2. Awesome post! I really like that you are similiar to Charlotte, she was such a great character. That scene from Scent of a Woman is fantastic indeed.

    1. @Sati: Thanks for the great questions! Picking Charlotte seemed correct, of course we only see a glimpse of her life, Charlotte may not be that way 365 days a year. People are obviously different depending on who they are with, and what mood they are in.

  3. I should be able to answer this, though i do have a post draft i want to work on a bit more. But thanks for the tag :)

    1. @DWC: You're welcome, I look forward to reading your responses!

  4. Thanks for the tag Chris, appreciate it. I will get to your questions in the coming days.
    Very interesting to find out a little more about you. I relate to a lot of your answers.
    Uncle Buck shouldn't be a guilty pleasure. I think it's a wholesome piece that is so full of joy and happiness. John Candy at his finest for sure.
    I've had "Hunger" in my queue for a while after I read an article by Roger Ebert as one of the "great movies" he has seen. I think you just made the case even stronger.

    1. @niels85: No problem! I will be sure to check out your responses in the upcoming days.

      Uncle Buck (1989) is kind of low-brow humor, I think that's why I called it a guilty pleasure. A heart-warming family film for sure, and agree about John Candy ( :

      Hunger (1966) is worth it, and Roger Ebert is right, a great film.

  5. Great scene. I love that movie and Pacino's performance.

    I've never heard of Hunger (1966), but I'm adding it to my ever-growing watchlist.

    Ooh, Owen Wilson's character at the end Midnight in Paris is a great pick. His character enjoys quite the happy ending, doesn't he?

    Haha. When I was in high school, I wore a blue jean jacket almost every day. I've only worn one a couple of times since though. :)

    1. @Josh: Scent of a woman is my favorite Pacino performance, deserved and overdue oscar, although Robert Downey Jr, for Chaplin) may disagree ( :

      If you like Scorsese's Taxi Driver, I think Hunger (1966) would work for you.

      The ending of Midnight in Paris is my best-loved scene from that movie, perfect!

      Ha ha, we do sometimes get attached to clothing items ( :

  6. Great post! I'd like to see Fight Club for the first time with no prior knowledge, too, especially since my husband spoiled "the twist" for me before I watched it. (I've never let him forget that.)

    My brother and I found The Wizard of Oz scary when we were little -- especially the flying monkeys. Recently, my brother prepped his own 4-year-old daughter for this movie experience, warning her she might be scared. She was bored. She kept asking when the scary part was coming. :-)

    I know it's inappropriate to offer unsolicited medical advice on a blog, but about the energy issues, have you checked into possible problems with thyroid or adrenal function? I just ask because I've been down this road.

    Finally, good luck with your novel!

    1. @Stephanie Ward: Fight Club is arguably my most memorable cinema experience, It really shaped my taste of what great movies should be.

      The Wizard of Oz probably isn't scary for everyone!

      I don't know much about my thyroid or adrenal function, so I'll look into that. Thanks for your concern

      Finally, Thank You!

  7. Nice answers, Chris :) It's nice that you want to make a novel, would like to read it someday. should do what you want to do while you can (the wisdom also applies to myself). Parents also important to me, and it should be!
    That fave quote is also from Lost in Translation, I love that quote too.

    Why do you want to be Owen Wilson in Midnight in Paris? Aside from meeting Marion Cotillard, of course.

    1. @Andina: Good advice. Once we are married with kids there is little time. Parents are important, and their kids should be important to them also ( :

      You're right, the quote is from Lost in Translation

      Spoiler alert...In Midnight In Paris, not actually Marion Cotillard, it is Léa Seydoux. I think we all long for these beautiful, spontaneous, memorable, romantic moments. Léa is particularly adorable and cute in that rain scene.

  8. I haven't seen this Hunger film either...sounds interesting.

    I would love to see 2001: ASO in a theatre too one day.

    Thanks for the invite:)

    1. @Burning Reels: If you like classic film, you really should see Hunger (1966), a gem

      2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), maybe it will be on the big screen again for the 50th anniversary in 2018. Hope so.

      Thanks for taking part!

  9. Thanks Chris, although I decided not to write a post myself this time.

    Interesting to hear about the hunger film, I read the book a few months ago. It was hard because it's quite upsetting and nothing much happens, but in the end I felt very satisfied. The ending is perfect (don't know if it's the same as in the film).
    I didn't know your favourite film is 2001: A Space Odyssey - I love that film!

    I also liked your answer to which movie character you would like to be.

    1. @Mette: It's okay, don't worry about participating.

      I actually bought the book recently, and on my shelf, so I'm going to read it when the mood is right.

      Charlotte from Lost in Translation, I have no choice, I'm already like her ( : Or ay least I think I am...Maybe it should be other people who decide which character they think I'm similar to, because when you do this yourself, it's bound to be biased ( :

  10. Nice post. 2001 is your favorite? Love it. As for your low levels of energy, you have the no-caffeine and access sugar working in your favor (which, contrary to popular opinion, are the WORST things you can do to boost energy). What are your sleep and exercise hours like? Balancing those will help dramatically. I was a part-time physical trainer in college, and I’m a real exercise/health food/healthy guy. Supplements are another beast that I won’t even touch on here. I know you hurt your back recently, but exercise is critical! (Minor tangent: I recently started doing yoga and my energy, which has always been high, is at an all time peak. Cannot recommend it highly enough.)

    Anyhow, just rewatched Scent of a Woman on Friday. WHOO-RAH!

    Tree of Life trailer will always move me to chills. Just remarkable.

    1. @Alex Withrow: Yep, I think I've come to the conclusion 2001 is my favorite, for the time being, anyway ( :

      I need 8 hours sleep, my problem is I'm not good at taking breaks, and then I get tired. I guess I need to learn to pace myself more sensibly during the day. A dietician would be a good idea, because as you say, balancing healty food etc can boost your energy. I also think some of us are born with more energy, and if you do activities that really interest you, then that can lift you as well. I've never done yoga, maybe I should ( :

      Scent of a Woman, it holds up well to a rewatch, and Tree of Life trailer likewise!

  11. That is an awesome collection of books - at least I think it is, not sure what's in there but it is a comprehensive collection to say the least.

    Great answer to number 3! An interesting choice.

    1. @Dan: I think you misread, the image of the books is not my house, just a random picture from the web. I do have a sizable collection, but not that many books ( :

      Thanks, a lot of people like that choice ( :

  12. Thanks for the hookup, Chris. I'm kind of scared of doing one of these, as I have been tagged in five or six of them now. That's a lot of questions to answer. :D

    That's awesome that 2001 is your favorite movie. It's definitely up there for me as well. My cinematic dream is to see that on the big screen.

    I also have a big stack of unread books sitting at home. I feel so guilty about it, and that's not even including all of the eBooks I have... so much to read, so little time.

  13. @Eric: No problem! That's understandable you are hesitant with all those questions, could be overwhelming to answer them all.

    2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), I can't wait to finally see it on big screen, I missed the boat in the year 2001, I believe it got a limited re-release then. At least I got to see Tree of Life last year, as it was meant to be viewed!

    Unread books , the curse of so little time indeed. Also, I'm not a fast reader, so that doesn't make it easy to get through the pile.

  14. Thanks so much Chris! Very excited to do this! And good call on Fight Club! Wish I could see that again for the first time too!

    1. @Pete: Welcome back, I look forward to reading whatever you come up with! Fight Club has that wow factor going for it, no doubt.


What do you think about the post? I look forward to hearing from you. Rest assured I will reply soon.


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