Discovering new music by watching trailers

Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (cover) by Brent Smith (2014) (Birdman trailer)

(The music fits surprisingly well with the story and makes you want to find out why he is misunderstood)

I'd Love To Change The World by Jetta (2014) (Nightcrawler trailer)

(An epic song title which goes hand in hand with Louis Bloom's ambition)

You There by Aquilo (2014) (Camp X-Ray trailer)

(Aquilo's track really draws me in on an emotional level. I've noticed the makers of trailers often use the best section of a song, this is a good example of that, )

Crazy in Love (2014 remix) by Beyoncé  (Fifty Shades of Grey trailer)

(The seductive music fits with the erotic mood, not to mention Beyoncé is very popular among the audience who will see the film)

A great way of discovering new music! Made any trailer music discoveries of your own? Thoughts on my choices? As always, comments are welcome


  1. I couldn't agree with you more! I love finding new music or even discovering older music I hadn't heard of through the power of film trailers!

  2. @Fisti: Indeed, I’ve made some nice discoveries that way over the years, both old and new music. I know it’s marketing to get us to see the films, though I don’t mind the manipulation.

  3. What a cool post! I discovered new music by watching trailers quite often, though I don't always follow through on it. The latest song I like was from this Scottish rom-com Not Another Happy Ending, I might do a Music Break post on that one.

  4. @Ruth: I know, you hear a piece of a song, and then you might forget to follow up on it later. I've been there.
    I'll await your music post on Not Another Happy Ending

    1. I'm humming the theme song constantly now as I've been watching that movie on rotation, sometimes even when I'm at work and it's playing in the background. I'm crushing on the lead actor, that's the main reason, but I also love all the songs in it!

    2. @Ruth: Haha, glad you like the music and look forward to you sharing it at Flixchatter

  5. There were some movies has a great music trailers, but not included in the OST. Like Coldplay's Paradise on Life of Pi trailer. Noticed the remix of Crazy in Love really suited the movie, I guess. Love the song by Jetta.

    1. @Andina: Agree Coldplay’s Paradise worked wonders in the Life of Pi trailer. Yep, I too think the remix of Crazy in Love fits the mood. Happy you enjoyed the track by Jetta

  6. Nice post! I love the Crazy in Love remix. It works perfectly in the trailer.

    1. @Josh: Thanks! I agree, the song is improved by being in the trailer, and the trailer is improved by the song. If that makes sense :)

  7. I love when a song is used well in a trailer. Great idea for a list. That "I'd Love To Change The World" track was perfectly used in the Nightcrawler trailer.

    1. @Alex Withrow: Thank you! I could probably do a whole series if I put my mind to it :) I agree about Nightcrawler trailer music, works really well.

  8. Crazy in Love is probably the best thing about this damn movie :) I love discovering new music because of trailers, I think I loved every single track in Game of Thrones promos

    1. @Sati: haha, yeah, not a good movie :) The soundtrack has a few good tunes, I also like Ellie Goulding's "Love Me Like You Do"

      Yep, trailers often have music worth hearing!

  9. It's good to know that I'm not the only one who's music discovery is through TV or film! The track on the Nightcrawler trailer is perfect - awesome song. I just got into MSMR because I was craving new music, remembered that I liked a track that was used on a Game of Thrones trailer. Bones by MSMR - awesome track and great album.

    Usually a lot of my music discoveries are through TV shows!

    1. @Jaina: Glad you enjoyed the Nightcrawler song! Bones and Hurricane are good tracks, I noticed MS MR have a new single out "Painted".
      TV-shows do sometimes have interesting music, True Detective intro "Far From Any Road" by Handsome Family is from 2003, a tune I wasn't familiar with until watching the show.

  10. This is my favourite way to discover new music! Especially just general film soundtracks (Guardians of the Galaxy being an awesome example).

    1. @LightsCameraReaction: Yep, trailers and soundtracks are a great way to discover music in a random sort of way.

      I loved Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack!


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