I hinted earlier in the year I would return to the blog to post year-end lists. But it’s tough to stay positive when people aren’t commenting on the new posts. It’s easy to get a little down on yourself and wonder whether my blog is appreciated anymore? Does anybody want to read blogs with so much noise on the internet? I got 1 comment and 0 comments(2x) on my latest three posts. What am I doing wrong? Maybe my posting style of sharing multiple videos is too overwhelming and time-consuming for visitors. It could also be my erratic posting schedule is confusing. Feel free to make suggestions of posts you would like to see me write.
I feel I have done everything in my power to hint to my old readers that my blog is semi active again, by commenting on almost all of their sites. I always attempt to be friendly and non-offensive, and try and leave a comment of value. I always reply to comments here on the blog. I always share my blogposts on twitter. Those who know me online are aware I am a loyal friend and you should be allowed to take a hiatus, right?
But as they say, you can’t force others to be your friend and you have to let these things develop naturally. Perhaps it’s naive of me to expect loyalty after a seven month break. People change and maybe blog friendships are only temporary. Perhaps I am overthinking it. It used to be simple to attract comments, you visited their blog and they would comment back. That is not working for me anymore in 2016 the way it once did. I spent many hours commenting on the blogs I know during November, so I’m not sure what else I can do to promote my blog? To be honest I don't care about stats and numbers. Maybe I just have to be patient and they will eventually notice I’m posting again. It's possible I need to reach out to new corners of the web who might have more time to comment than my exsisting followers do.
Perhaps my content is not compatible with the communities I frequent. But I feel I should only write about what genuinely interests me. I often share music and don’t watch the latest popular TV shows such as Westworld or Game of Thrones. I will be queuing up for Arrival (2016) which isn’t out over here until December.
Getting people back into the routine of visiting your blog after a hiatus apparently is tricky, and I may have hurt commenting around here by stopping regular features like Monthly Recap and saying in March that blogging no longer fulfils me. The goodbye post I wrote seems to have given readers the impression that I’m not serious about visiting other blogs and not serious about this blog. All I can say is I’m still here with a desire to interact, and I still enjoy visiting your blogs. But I don’t know how to get my readership to notice I’m back. Maybe that old readership has simply no time for commenting anymore except those blogs that are 100% compatible with their interests.
I’d like to know what I have to do to attract readers again. When I’m only posting part-time due to other things happening in my life now, it seems difficult to maintain a readership. Perhaps going over to wordpress is the answer, is commenting on blogspot fading out?
I appreciate those who did comment recently and please don’t take this as a personal attack. I’m not trying to make you feel guilty about not commenting enough, and I’m not trying to control other people. A famous quote from The Great Gatsby goes that “you can’t repeat the past” and maybe I’m trying to repeat a sense of community with people who have different priorities today. If you don''t want to read my blog that's okay. As I said before you can't force others to be friendly. I’m just curious what am I doing wrong and why am I getting very little response on my recent posts? Is commenting on other sites and expecting them to return the favour a thing of the distant past?
It’s frustrating when you want comments but don’t know how to get them anymore. It can be hurtful when people don't visit your blog and you can see they are active on other blogs. I love blogging but I don't love it when my blog is ignored. I just needed to put that out there. What can I do to make people care and comment on a regular basis again?
Scheduled posts for December 2016 and January 2017.
Top 10 films of 2016 so far