Desert Island CD Blogathon: 12 tracks from soundtracks

(Everyone seems to be participating in Castor's blogathon, so thought I'd join the party. I've been a bit lazy with the captions, so bear with me. 1-6 are instrumental. Songs 7-12 have lyrics. Hope you find some music you like. I'd love to hear from you, feel free to comment)

1.) The Staight Story - Angelo Badalamenti - Country Theme
(Simple and beautiful. Badalamenti is one of my fave soundtrack composers, his work with Lynch is exquisite)

2. ) Box of moonlight – opening credits instrumental
(I could listen to this melody all day)

3.) K-PAX soundtrack - Grand Central
(Beautiful soundscape about the mystery of space, so well-crafted)

4.) Edward Scissorhands - Danny Elfman - Ice Dance
(Danny Elfman was never better in my opinion)

5.) White Masai - end credits
(An underrated soundtrack. If you haven't seen the film, I suggest scrolling away from the video and just listening to the score)

6.) Crocodile Dundee - end credits
(You’ve gotta love that soundtrack)

7.) Lost Highway - David Bowie – I'm Deranged
(Another Lynch film. One of my favourite opening credits sequences, together with this amazing electro 90s song. Works so well with the story)

8.) Tower of song - Leonard Cohen & U2
(Debated whether to go with Everybody knows from Exotica, or Waiting for the Miracle from Natural born killers, in the end, I want to listen to this song today. )

9.) I'll Try Anything Once - The Strokes
(Loving the new soundtrack to Somewhere, I like Sofia Coppola's taste in music. The Lost in translation soundtrack is also great)

10.) Big Time - Peter Gabriel
(Kind of has that 80s vibe I love in Talking heads' This Must Be the Place from "Wall street"(1987). Inside job"(2010)is also about banking, so perhaps I'm on to something?)

11.) Girl You'll Be a Woman Soon - Urge Overkill
(Love the way he sings "girl". I can’t leave out Tarantino, his soundtrack choices defined a generation. I think Pulp Fiction is Quentin's best music compilation)

12.) High Fidelity - Bob Dylan - Most of the time
(I wish Dylan would make more songs like Most of the time. From Vanilla Sky I considered, 4th Time Around, after all, you know what they say, Cameron Crowe is a genius at putting a soundtrack together)

I'd love to hear from you, feel free to comment below

You might also be interested in my post: I liked the soundtrack better than the movie!


  1. I don't know but I don't think Dylan has maybe ever been used better than he is in High Fidelity.

    There's a beautiful song from a Lynch film, I believe it is Fire Walk With Me but I had no idea what it was called and couldn't find it. Lynch really understands the importance of music in film.

  2. Great choices! I’ve been kicking myself for forgetting about Tarantino and Sofia Coppola movies. Just 12 tracks is damn hard. Good fun, though.

  3. Hi because your blog is great i've decided to pass the "stylish blogger" award onto you (details over at my blog). :)

  4. I came very close to choosing that exact same tune from the "Pulp Fiction" soundtrack, but at the last second I went with "Flowers on the Wall." I love that I haven't heard of half of your choices -- it gives me some new songs to discover!

  5. Wow - someone else that has actually seen Box of Moonlight! I swear that movie is the least-seen indie from the 90s despite starring 3 of the eras biggest indie stars. Great score to it, too.

    God, I love that you put in Crocodile Dundee here. I still swear by that movie, and that track is excellent.

    Afraid that the power of Elfman has worn off on me over the years. A shame - much of his early work is fantastic.

    Speaking of Dylan - and Cameron Crowe - I think the usage of Shelter from the Storm at the end of Jerry Maguire is amongst my favorites. Also, Stuck Inside of Mobile... in Fear and Loathing. Actually, that's probably my favorite - great meeting of song and movie there.

    Not familiar with that Strokes song, but pretty much every song by them is great, so I'm sure it is as well...

    All in all, excellent CD!

  6. @ Mike Lippert : Yes, Lynch and Badalamenti are so good at selecting the right music to match the mood of his films. I need to re-listen to the Fire Walk With Me cd, which I own ( :

    @ Alex Ramon : Thanks for stopping by, the Tarantino soundtracks have a lasting value it seems. I just rediscovered, and can't stop listening to the instrumental from True romance:

    @ Zoƫ Walker : Happy you are enjoying my blog
    and thanks for the award.

    @ M. Carter @ the Movies : Pulp Fiction must be one of the top soundtracks of the 90s. Glad that you keep finding new music on my site!

    @ Fletch. Thanks for your comment. It's strange "Box of Moonlight" has been so overlooked, actually made my top 10 films viewed in 2010:

    Another Bob Dylan track which works well with a movie for me is "The times they are a changin" from the opening credits of Watchmen, love it! I don't remember Shelter from the Storm, I'm going straight to youtube ( :

  7. Only ones I know or can relate to are Peter Gabriel and K-Pax...but damn good call on K-Pax!! That's an incredible score from Edward Sheamur. In fact I did a recent FourScore piece which included a look at K-Pax:

    Funny, didn't think but 5 people saw that movie. Guess its up to 6 now:P

  8. @ Marc : You're right, K-Pax is underrated, both the film and the soundtrack. I'll be reviewing the film at a later date. I'll head on over to your article.

  9. Nice picks! I've never heard of White Masai, but I clicked over and that's a gorgeous score.

  10. @ Coleen : Agreed about the credits score, White Masai is also a film I'd recommend about a woman travelling to Africa:

    Thanks for following me on twitter!


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