Favorite Twin Peaks moments

Have you watched Twin Peaks, any thoughts?


  1. For me the best moments are the creepy ones, especially Bob climbing over the coach to get to Laura's cousing and the ending of the second episode.

    And of course "Diane, don't drink coffee that was anywhere near a fish".

    1. @Sati: Yes, Bob sure was creepy, I guess you've heard the trivia how Bob was a happy accident on set.
      Indeed those recordings to Diane are fun and I love how mysterious Diane is.
      The very last episode (E29) directed by Lynch is one of my favorites, and is similar to the memorable E2 ending, with an extended red room scene.

      Lots more Twin Peaks moments in the upcoming weeks!

  2. Josie ending up in the drawer is the kicker for me. Bob: "What happened to Josie?" So creepy and crazy.

    1. @Dan: There are so many memorable moments, spoilt for choice when picking out! Sometimes what we remember are not what others remember. The clip you ´mention sounds seriously creepy :)

  3. I haven't seen Twin Peaks since it was originally broadcast, but the one scene that still sticks in my head (and that generated a TON of talk afterwards back then, even in the pre-www days) was the one where Audrey tied a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue.

    1. @Chip Lary: Yep, that was a cool and sexy scene when Audrey tied a cherry stem into a knot. I may add that later for a future post. Thanks for reminding me.


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