back trouble

Hi, those who read my little blog,

Since February, I have been bothered by a back/leg injury, which has gotten worse during May, and physiotherapist thinks may be a herniated disc in my back, which causes pain in my left thigh. It hurts sitting in the same position with a laptop, and today even hurts lying down, so I'll not be writing longer reviews until my condition improves. I will attempt to keep posting music and monthly movie reports, but if it doesn't happen you know the reason. I'm looking into buying a table which can be moved up and down, so I can stand up and use my laptop, when it hurts sitting.

Take care everyone, and remember to look after your back, sit with the correct posture, and exercise daily, you will thank yourself in the long run.

Happy blogging!
from Chris


  1. Oh no! :( Hope things improve for you soon!!

  2. So sad to hear this, Chris. But I hope you'll get better soon and you should take all the time you need. I agree with exercise, I seem to have lack of that lately and that's one of the cause I got sick few weeks ago. Very well, get well soon!

  3. Sorry to hear it, man. I have worries about my back going out someday, as I have a form of degenerative disc disease that will only get worse the older I get. Hoping you have a speedy recovery, my friend.

  4. Take Care Man and Get well Soon !!

  5. o no that sux Chris. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Terrible news, I know all about back injuries so I hope you get over it quickly.

  7. Jeez man really sorry to hear this. Hope you get better soon and will keep an eye out for your new posts! And thanks for the advice!

  8. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hope there's improvement soon. Keep your chin up!

  9. Hope for a quick recovery, take your time!

  10. To all: Thanks for your support and kind words, has been a very tough month so far! I have been advised by physiotherapist yesterday to go do a lot of back push-ups, biking and running.
    Is strange when you are injured to be so active(I thought rest was the answer...)
    I can already feel a slight improvement today having done a lot of exercise this morning, it does make it less painful afterwards, so I'm going to continue with what seems to be (so far) a winning formular!

  11. best of luck Chris - this is indeed bad news.
    But then - I'm late (as usual) and there is some good news.
    Best of luck with the exercise - hope it really works for you.
    We'll be very keen to see you back.

    1. Thanks Lisa. Now I have to be careful not to sustain other injuries with all this exercise!

  12. It's strange how problems in your back can cause pain elsewhere. I've had a similar problem that took them ages to work out that it was my back causing it. Exercises have helped me so hopefully they will help your problem too. Get well soon!

    1. @keith: ok, you had a similar issue. I wish I had payed better attention to my sitting posture last 10 years.

      Being 'forced' to exercise daily can only be a good thing long term.

  13. Sorry to hear you're not doing well. My thoughts for a speedy recovery.

  14. Really sorry to here Chris, I too had a similar problem a few years ago and excercise in general and particularly swimming have cleared it up altogether. Take care and don't go back to full time blogging until you've recovered.

    1. @doccortex: Swimming cleared up similar problem, eh? Thanks for the suggestion! I'm still hurting and stiff after a night's sleep, plenty of exercise is helping. Hoping there won't be a relapse.

  15. Hope you're feeling better! Back pain can be the worst.

    1. @Robert: Yes, feeling alright for the time being, provided I get my daily exercise!

  16. First off, thanks so much for letting us know that you won't be as active on your blog... I've seen bloggers a like completely drop off the map, and I usually tend to think the worst, so thanks for letting us know.

    Secondly, I'm really sorry you're going through what you're going through. That just fucking sucks man.

    Hope you recover soon and are back to blogging full time. Take it easy!

    1. @Alex Withrow: When I wrote above post, I was in a bad place, thankfully things have improved during the week. I will just have to listen to my body from now on. Probably isn't heathly spending so many hours on each review anyway. I'll keep writing, just fewer posts!

      On a side note, I e-mailed Colin at picknmix flix to ask what was up, he has decided to delete his site, a pity.

    2. Yeah I was tweeting with him a few weeks back and he told me why he deleted it. A pity indeed, but I definitely understand.

      Take care!

    3. @Alex Withrow: Colin will be missed for sure, he also told me the reason for stopping, totally understandable

  17. Oh my! So sorry to hear that, Chris. Hoping for a speedy recovery to you man. I can't imagine how painful it must be to sit for longer than even 5 minutes so yeah, good thing you took a blogging break. Thanks for the comments on my blog, I'm honored that you took the time even in your condition. Take it easy man!

    1. Thanks Ruth, I'm honoured to have people worrying about my health


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