Songs for your iPod

(New 2012 album from The Boss, below my two favorite tracks. To read more about the LP, and to stream it in its entirety, go here)

Rocky Ground - Bruce Springsteen

Jack Of All Trades - Bruce Springsteen


(From Snow Patrol's 2012 LP Fallen Empires. Trashy pop yes, but this song is very catchy nonetheless)

Called Out In The Dark - Snow Patrol

Called Out In The Dark by Snow Patrol


(Tuneclatter has provided a stream of the rest of the album, thanks for recommending!)

Backwords - Porcelain Raft

Porcelain Raft - Backwords by EDPMC Vincent

Put Me To Sleep - Porcelain Raft

Put Me To Sleep by Porcelain Raft

Listeners, any thoughts on this week's music?


  1. It's interesting that Jack of All Trades and Rocky Ground are your two favorites from Springsteen's new album. I think they're both good songs, and Rocky Ground is an interesting departure, but they'd fall in the middle for me.

    It's tough because I'd already heard Wrecking Ball, Land of Hope and Dreams, and American Land (from the extra tracks) so many times before. I like all those songs, but they're not entirely new. I would list We Take Care of Our Own and Death to my Hometown as my favorites of the new tracks. They're more straightforward but still work really well.

    1. @Dan: Thanks for your thoughts on Springsteen's new album. I'm a sucker for the quieter songs, as I listen to music with headphones usually. Rocky Ground I liked the most, the backing singers was a great choice, maybe the song could be used in a movie. We Take Care of Our Own was good, I just don't dig the loud guitars in the intro. Ok, there are bonus tracks, will go to those straight away ( :

  2. I may be a bit late to the Bruce Springsteen party.

    1. @Chris David Richards: Here's your chance to catch up, the album stream is still up, so you can give it a play

  3. I love Porcelain Raft, such great choices in this post!

    1. @Sati: Thanks, glad you are enjoying the music!

  4. I love Snow Patrol. I forgot they just released a new album. Thanks for sharing this, Chris. Porcelain Raft seems interesting.

    1. @Andina: Snow Patrol are hit and miss for me. Porcelain Raft are worth a listen, thanks for commenting!


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