Favourite trailers blogathon

HappyThankYouMorePlease (2010)

Apart from the annoying laugh at 0.33, so cute and funny. Any thoughts on the trailer?


  1. Loved, loved, loved the trailer - it started my hyping of the film. Which by the way was just as good as I had expected.

  2. @Mette: I agree, HappyThankYouMorePlease was as good as the trailer! Made my top 10films of 2011

  3. I loooove this movie. but is it me or the trailer gave too much spoilers? either way I still love this movie!

  4. I started this on Netflix last Thursday and turned it off about 30 minutes in, which I never, ever do. I didn't like it at all. But it's worth finishing....?

  5. I like watching the trailer and remembering how much I enjoyed certain scenes, maybe you're right and there are a few spoilers for newcomers of the film.

    @Alex Withrow: If you didn't like the first 30min(or the trailer), then I wouldn't imagine the remaining 2/3 will appeal to you. I guess always going to be people who like or dislike a movie.

  6. I suppose I felt that Radnor's character was exactly the same as his How I Met Your Mother character, just with the word "fuck" thrown in a few dozen times to clarification. But I'll give it another go. Couldn't hurt.

  7. Despite it looking a little like every other "quirky" movie . . . I actually rather want to see it now

  8. @Alex Withrow: I have not seen any episodes of How I Met Your Mother, so maybe the film was fresher for that reason. If you don't like Radnor's film, it's okay, we can't agree on everything ( :

    @Beau: Give it a try ( :


What do you think about the post? I look forward to hearing from you. Rest assured I will reply soon.