Songs for your iPod

Smart - Girl In a Coma

(Obscure maybe, brilliant tune, definitely. The end of the track could have been better, but still one of my favourite rock songs of 2011.)


Gentle Roar - Niki & The Dove

(From EP. I'm guessing Liberian Girl was an influence. Look out for Niki & The Dove's album in 2012. Also, their atmospheric tracks from 2010 are amazing. Thanks to listologies for opening my eyes to the band in his top 50 songs of 2010)


Giving Me A Chance - Gotye

(Wow, I've heard this song more times than I care to admit, so catchy! the past and the pending, good job highlighting this tune, and looking forward to your best music of 2011 lists! )

Visitors to my blog, any thoughts on the music?


  1. Love those first two tracks. I've really fallen behind on music this year, didn't realize Gotye had new material out, Heart's a Mess is a favorite of mine.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. @Bonjour Tristesse: Happy Christmas! Will listen to Heart's a Mess, thanks. The new Gotye album is excellent, other tracks I enjoyed: Somebody that I used to know, Dig your own hole , Eyes wide open, Smoke and mirrors, In your light, Don't Worry We'll Be Watching You.


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