
Don't write them off just yet, but when I see these faces

A young Kate Winslet, I thought, but no, its Imogen Poots!

Is Jessica Chastain the next Cate Blanchett?

What do you think?


  1. Hehe...Poots.

    But seriously, good point on that one, never thought of that. She was good in Fright Night.

  2. @Robert : Poots, funny name indeed ( :

  3. That Imogen Poots image does look very much like a younger (and thinner) Kate Winslet.
    Cate and Jessica does look quite similar, but Jessica is cuter for me. Cate's very charismatic :)

  4. I do love Jessica Chastain, I think she has more character then Cate Blanchett, but the latter is more talented!

    Don't know much about Poots, but Winslet is fantastic!

  5. @Andina: I have never seen Imogen Poots in a movie, not that I remember, anyway! Funny thing is the other photos of Poots don't look like Winslet.

    @Aziza: I have only seen Jessica Chastain in Tree of life,I liked her character in that.
    She's currently in so many movies, so I'm sure we'll get to see more of her ( :


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