Songs for your iPod

Don't I Hold You - Wheat

(Probably my fav track from the Elizabethtown soundtrack)


Whatever It Takes - Sinéad Lohan

(A sadly overlooked album and singer from the 90s. This song gives me goose bumps)


Girl in the Tower - Benji Hughes

(Similar to the Beatles. I like the video as well)


  1. The "Elizabethtown" soundtrack is on constant rotation in my CD player -- just a great assembly of Americana-flavored songs. "Don't I Hold You" is the song that made me take notice of Wheat.

  2. Yep, Cameron Crowe's soundtracks are so good. Have you seen this feature on Crowe:

    Any other great soundtracks that come to mind, you can recommend?

  3. I just remembered 'Elizabethtown' do have a great soundtrack. Thanks for posting this. Cameron Crowe has the best pick for music.


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