Film review: Trust (1990)

A while ago I discovered the American independent director Hal Hartley and his body of work. I have seen a number of his films now, and this recommendation is arguably his best movie. Hal Hartley’s movies are in his own words thoughtful and funny. The dialogue is very unique; the characters speak in a very straightforward way, almost like they are not acting, but just speaking the lines. The music in Hartley's movies is very recognizable.

The unbelievable truth (1989) and Simple Men (1992) are probably the other Hartley full length films worth watching. Theory of Achievement (1991) and Ambition (1991) are my favourite of his short films. The span from late 80s to early 90s is in my opinion his best work. Although Henry fool (1997) did win the best screenplay award at the 1998 Cannes Film Festival, where it was also nominated for the Palme d'Or.

Trust (1990) got 89 % on rottentomatoes, 7.5 on imdb





  1. Trust is one of my all-time favorite movies, and definitely my favorite Hartley film (though Henry Fool runs a close second). I love his way with dialogue and music- it's so different from most other filmmakers working today.

  2. @filmforager: Thanks for your comment, Trust is probably my favourite Hartley as well, the scene where he knocks the tv over, and says it was "busted anyway" cracks me up every time ( : Henry fool would be in my top 5(directed by Hartley).

    Hartley’s dialogue scenes that appear to double back on themselves in a circular way also impressed me, it’s one of his trademarks, very original and witty. In his early films you usually get at least one such scene, they are highlights for me in his work. I somehow managed to leave this aspect out of my review.


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